Aristotelian metaphysics

Aristotle's Four Causes | Highlights Ep.43

Introduction to Metaphysics

Aristotle's Four Causes Illustrated Using My Longneck Banjo | A Lesson From Metaphysics Book 1

Aristotle, Metaphysics, bk. 1 | Metaphysics and the Four Causes | Philosophy Core Concepts

How Aristotle Thought about the World

Aristotle's Arguments Against Materialism

Aristotle: Metaphysics - Background and Context

What is Metaphysics?

Aristotle Metaphysics

Aristotle’s Metaphysics: On Substance and Essence

Plato and Aristotle: Crash Course History of Science #3

Comparing Plato and Aristotle: Understanding Their Philosophical Differences

Aristotle's Metaphysics Book I & IV

Introduction to Aristotle: Knowledge, Teleology and the Four Causes

Aristotle: Universals, Individuation and an Overview of His Metaphysics by Leonard Peikoff, pt 19/50

Aristotle & Virtue Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #38

Aristotle's Theory of Change

Substance and Accidents (Aquinas 101)

Aristotle's Theory of Causation

Aristotle’s Rejection of Plato’s Conception of Form

Aristotle vs. Kant on Epistemology and Ethics

7 Life Lessons From Aristotle (Aristotelianism)

Aristotelian Logic

Does God Exist? An Argument Based on Aristotle